Thursday, September 27, 2007

New tattoo!

My roommate Stephanie Manciagli and I got inked today yeaaahhh. Mine is a dreamcatcher, hers is a Buddhist quote in Sanskrit. Check it out

Josh and Jake had fun filming and keeping us distracted


Anonymous said...

Your Moms gonna freak! Small plugs in that one guys ears.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...that was a hard video to watch. Had to cover my eyes alot but thanks for the shout-out. The dreamcatcher is beautiful. (Think I need a moment.) Is there anything else we should be prepared for? Here's an idea: I'll move into 917B as the House Mom. Love, Mom

Danielle said...

Mom! We don't need a house mom. Right after that we came home and cooked meatloaf and mashed potatoes. We're fine. But thanks.
Love, Danielle

Anonymous said...

Just saw the updates to your blog. What a surprise!! I am in recovery mode now. Glad you are happy and like it there. I miss you. Love,Dad

Anonymous said...

The dreamcatcher is indeed beautiful. I always wanted one (tatoo) myself when I turned that half century mark....but that was 5 years ago and I still continue to cringe when Marissa gives me my annual flu shot! Your pics of Panama are great & Frank & I enjoy them...and you look great!
Love, Uncle Frank & Auntie Eileen

Anonymous said...

ok so that video makes me NEVER EVER want to get a tatoo EVER! lol

Anonymous said...

Oh....My....God!! You rock and I am so glad you are having such an amazing time!! I love catching up on your experience and hope to see you at Christmas when your home....Jay and I are dying to check out your artwork!! You are the prettiest girl in Panama, please be careful!! Love, Michelle