Sunday, September 23, 2007

A Day at the Beach

Today we went to the beach at Riomar and made up haikus. The rule was that each one had to end with "a day at the beach."
For example:
The sand burns my feet
We collected rocks and shells
A day at the beach
I know, I know. I have a very promising career as a poet ahead of me.

I went on a date with a guy who doesn't speak a word of English. It was super fun. I knew he was a waiter but then he told me he works somewhere different on Fridays, and that my friends and I should come check out this club. Turns out he's like a Chippendale's dancer. I feel cool.

I love the rain here! Everyone makes fun of me because I still get all excited when it rains. But living in California, I have never seen it rain as hard it does every day here. It starts out of nowhere and stops like half an hour later.
Out in front of our house

At El Valle - approximately one minute after we felt the first raindrops

Hey does anyone actually read this? Leave me comments!


Anonymous said...

Love your postings. Panama looks like such a fun place. Makes Fullerton look pretty tame.

Anonymous said...

I enjoy the pictures and reading about your experiences on your blog. Panama looks like a great place and looks like you're meeting alot of people.

Anonymous said...

Haikus rule!

Anonymous said...

It rained like a quarter-inch in Orange County over the last few days!

Anonymous said...

I want to come visit you. From, Guess who?

Anonymous said...

Danielle, I love your pics and check your blog out all the time!!!

Ang said...

Hey Danielle, I like reading your posts. It's looks like you're having a blast. I look forward to reading more and seeing more pictures of you and your adventures. -Angela

Anonymous said...

Well written article.