Friday, September 21, 2007

La Bodeguita

First of all, I saw this stuff at the grocery store and we just had to make it. It seems to be some sort of Asian dessert. No one knows for certain. I think it's called Yoki.

I'm not sure how to explain Wednesday. There is a club called La Bodeguita. But everyone just calls it the hooker bar. Because that's where the Colombian whores are. Any everyone knows it. But we just had to see for ourselves.
At one point my friend told me I was standing next to a famous Panamanian porn star. But later a guy told me she was the most famous hooker in Panama. But "she" looks more like a "he" to me. All anyone knows for sure is that it has big fake boobs and it drives a couple of BMWs.
The silver lining of being surrounded by hookers all night is that as we were going to leave, we found out Comando Tiburon was about to perform! Okay obviously if you are reading this, you are in the US and that name means nothing to you, but I guess they're a big deal here if you're into reggaeton. "Ya tu sabes quienes son!"

Comando Tiburon again. Could the club be any smokier?

Some crazy Panamanians! (I'm talking about all 5 of us) Yesterday I was doing dishes in my kitchen, talking on the phone in Spanish. So weird how that's so normal now. I've been here for one month today, and though it's gone by so quickly I feel like I've been living here forever.

COMANDO TIBURON! My first attempt at video posting! I hope it works


Anonymous said...

if you haven't yet, check out the place on Calle Uruguay that looks like a big tent. sure the hookers go there too, but only on their day off.

Anonymous said...

Are you sure you ever want to leave Panama?

peterr said...

lol, I know what that asian dessert is. My mom makes it. You didn't eat it by itself did you? Well seems like you're having a blast! Yo so celoso mucho! (I think. I suck at spanish remember)


Anonymous said...

I would like to exchange links with your site
Is this possible?