Saturday, September 15, 2007

City safari!

Jake, Stephanie, and I finally got around to climbing our neighborhood mountain, Ancon Hill. The views were pretty sweet.

The Canal Administration building. We call them the Great Stairs. View from Great Stairs
Casco Viejo (Old Colonial Panama)
Canal stuff
See my school? Right under the bridge, 1st building left of the canal. My whole town
The girls of 917B - Goin out to Voila!
Though I hate how pretentious it sounds, I must admit that it feels really good to bypass the line and get in the club for free ... because you're on the list. I think us girls are becoming very popular, because as big as this city is, we can't go anywhere downtown without seeing people we know!
Football game tonight vs. Colorado. Yeaahhh SEMINOLES


Anonymous said...

Danielle, you look different now.

Anonymous said...

Your "town" is beautiful! You're lucky to be there.