Friday, December 12, 2008

Does this photo look familiar?

If not, it will soon...
Like I always say, I don't know where the time goes or how these semesters disappear, but once again I've finished all my finals and am heading home to Fullerton tomorrow.
Next semester I start working at school as an actuarial science tutor, which is pretty sweet since it's a job you can't apply for and I get to keep it until I graduate. And four weeks from today I am taking my first actuarial exam, which --if I pass--will be the most important event of my life thus far (or at least the most influential to my career).


Anonymous said...

Great picture!

Ang said...

Welcome home, Danielle. -Angela

Anonymous said...

Some of the content is very worthy of my drawing, I like your information!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on passing the actuarial exam! I'm so happy for you. I've never seen anyone study so long and hard for a test before. So glad that it paid off!

Anonymous said...

I think I come to the right place, because for a long time do not see such a good thing the!
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