Wednesday, October 29, 2008

More Miami

Florida State's football team is now ranked 15th after beating Virginia Tech this weekend!
It is so cold now in Tallahassee! I've been running in long sleeves and wishing I had gloves! I now understand the point of this "winter clothes" thing I've only heard of before. I just got around to getting a disposable camera developed so here are some more pictures from my weekend in South Florida.

Wow we look pale

As far as school goes, I've gotten As on all my tests so far here and I got offered a job as a tutor on campus next semester!


Anonymous said...

Danielle -- Is that Rachel's beautiful dog? It looks like a blonde golden retriever. Tell me her name and age. She looks like such a great dog. Looks like you guys made an impression on Miami.

Danielle said...

that's Rachel's dad's dog Einstein. he's one year old.

Anonymous said...

See you in these things, I think, I started feeling good!
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Anonymous said...

Good article, good things, good feelings, good BLOG!
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