Wednesday, October 29, 2008

More Miami

Florida State's football team is now ranked 15th after beating Virginia Tech this weekend!
It is so cold now in Tallahassee! I've been running in long sleeves and wishing I had gloves! I now understand the point of this "winter clothes" thing I've only heard of before. I just got around to getting a disposable camera developed so here are some more pictures from my weekend in South Florida.

Wow we look pale

As far as school goes, I've gotten As on all my tests so far here and I got offered a job as a tutor on campus next semester!

Monday, October 20, 2008

It's almost winter?

College goes by so quickly - I am already more than halfway done with this semester and almost 2/3 of the way to graduation. I guess I haven't officially mentioned that I am going to be an actuary. That's what I'm finally majoring in now - Actuarial Science, which is like math/finance/econ/risk management.

This weekend I went home with my roommate Rachel, who lives near Ft. Lauderdale. Going out in Tallahassee isn't really worth my time since the clubs here can't compare to Panama. But Miami sure is fun...

@ Club Space

This coming weekend my Dad will be here for Parents' Weekend. We are running another 5k together and going to the football game vs. Virginia Tech of course!