Saturday, February 2, 2008

Spring Break has begun...

On Wednesday I had no classes so I went to the mall for no particular reason. By the time I came home, I was the proud owner of both a tent and an inflatable lounge chair. Impulse buys perhaps? I think maybe I had forseen that I would need them soon, because they are already both packed in a suitcase, ready to go to Costa Rica!

A $12.99 tent is just the accessory my room needed
So how did this plan come about? Well on Thursday I learned that a group of IP students were going to Costa Rica on Tuesday, and it only took a few seconds for me to agree to go with them. This morning (Saturday), I learned that a few people would be leaving Sunday night, and Stephanie and I jumped on the opportunity to leave earlier. But when we went to the terminal to buy our bus tickets, we found that all buses into Costa Rica were full until Tuesday. BUT we could have the last 5 seats on a bus TONIGHT which takes us to the border. From there we're winging it.
The tentative plan is that we will hopefully find a bus to Puerto Viejo, a popular surfing town on the Caribbean side near the border. We may travel to some other beaches on that coast and will probably meet up with the others when they arrive on Wednesday. I have no clue how long Stephanie and I are staying, but everyone needs to be home before next Monday for school! We will try to find a hostel or a cheap hotel, but I'm bringing my tent just in case.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Danielle, I can't wait to hear all about the Costa Rica trip. Turns out Uncle Brian is down there surfing this same week. We'll look forward to the pictures and the stories. Please be's a jungle out there! Love, Mom