Monday, November 5, 2007

Playa Gorgona

Panama is great because everyone in the city owns a beach house. I went with some friends from school and a bunch of local Panamanians to spend the weekend on the Pacific coast.

Steps from the door to the sand

While I was there I got incredibly homesick ... for La Boca (the neighborhood I live in). I couldn't believe how much I missed my housemates. We're just like a crazy little family in our big, gecko-filled, ant-infested house, and I missed it terribly for the three days I was away.

I just love this country. And a Panamanian told me I speak beautiful Spanish. Yay.

I feel like I am going to get so homesick when I go to California for Christmas, because this is where my life is right now. I mean, I have a Blockbuster card down here and everything.


Anonymous said...

How fun! A crazy little family in a big gecko-filled house.

Anonymous said...

"I mean, I have a Blockbuster card down here and everything."


Anonymous said...

"I mean, I have a Blockbuster card down here and everything."

i could totally just imagine you saying that.