Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Well I moved to Florida. I like Tallahassee so far and have an awesome apartment. And I even like taking the bus to school although the time schedule is unreliable.

This semester I'm taking Intro to Mathematical Statistics, Applied Linear Algebra, Intro to Actuarial Math, and a seminar to prepare for my first actuarial exam in January.
Where I live - 2nd floor on the right

New roommates! Caitlin + Rachel Amanda, Rachel, me


Anonymous said...

Looks like it's going to be a great year. At least hurricane season has been exciting so far with Faye & Gustav! Love, Mom

Ang said...

Enjoy your first year in Florida, Danielle. Good luck with everything!

Anonymous said...

I hope you like Florida! I have a girlfriend that lives in Tallahassee, if you ever need anything, or want to babysit ;) let me know!!!

Love, Aunt DB

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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