Monday, March 10, 2008

Santa Clara and exciting times ahead...

Last Saturday we went to Santa Clara, one of my favorite beaches on the Pacific side.

But the exciting news is that a bunch of visitors are coming! Sunday Stephanie's friend Luci is coming to visit, AND Jake, our next-door neighbor from last semester, will be here Sunday! AND we're having a Chiva (party bus) next Tuesday! AND going to San Blas March 28th!


and a random club photo from ONE


Anonymous said...

Hi Danielle,
It's great to hear that you have so many exciting things on your calendar! I shared your blog with Aunt Belynda and Ryan this week while they were staying with us. We're looking forward to seeing you in about 5 weeks.
Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

I checked out the club pictures from this place. You're like a celeb!