Sunday, October 14, 2007


San Blas is an archipelago of 365 tiny Caribbean islands off the north coast of Panama, near Colombia. It is controlled and inhabited by the native Kuna indians. We stayed on Kuanidup, an island the size of a football field (seriously). Except for 4 old French people, us 35 FSU international kids had the island all to ourselves. It was incredible.

The tiny plane we took from Albrook airport! It's like a 30 min flight Plane view of my awesome location. I can look out the window during class and watch boats going though the canal.
Kuanidup - the island we stayed on

Stephanie and I volunteered to camp due to the cabin shortage
We visited a Kuna community on another island

My neighbor Josh

Roommate/tentmate Stephanie - haha she looked away

I finally attempted the "Panorama Assist" mode on my camera

It was an amazing weekend filled with hammocking, tanning, snorkeling, and some serious seafood. I can't believe I get to go back next semester!


Anonymous said...

Palm trees, white sand, light blue water, hammocks....must have been hard to leave. Looks like paradise!

Ang said...

You are so lucky, Danielle. I enjoyed looking through your pictures. That place is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

hey the panorama assist mode looks pretty good!
im jealous of all your adventures!