Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Late October Overview

My pictures have been piling up from various random occurrences here in Panama. So here's a couple highlights I guess.
Chiva for Cynthia's birthday
Stephanie Murray, Jake, Stephanie Manciagli, Josh
I went to the Smithsonian Marine exhibit on the Causeway. It was pretty lame except when I asked an employee why one of the turtles was in a little pool all alone. It's a biter, so it has to live alone until its anger subsides and it learns to share. Hahahah

School here is so intense. There was a mandatory pumpkin carving contest for one of my classes. This is the Pumpkin Princess, created by Seana, Libby, StephanieManciagli, and me.
I hope we win.

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Last night it rained so hard that my roommate Seana suggested we go outside and wash our hair. So we took rainshowers, get it?

We are going to make it some sort of tradition.

Sunday, October 14, 2007


San Blas is an archipelago of 365 tiny Caribbean islands off the north coast of Panama, near Colombia. It is controlled and inhabited by the native Kuna indians. We stayed on Kuanidup, an island the size of a football field (seriously). Except for 4 old French people, us 35 FSU international kids had the island all to ourselves. It was incredible.

The tiny plane we took from Albrook airport! It's like a 30 min flight Plane view of my awesome location. I can look out the window during class and watch boats going though the canal.
Kuanidup - the island we stayed on

Stephanie and I volunteered to camp due to the cabin shortage
We visited a Kuna community on another island

My neighbor Josh

Roommate/tentmate Stephanie - haha she looked away

I finally attempted the "Panorama Assist" mode on my camera

It was an amazing weekend filled with hammocking, tanning, snorkeling, and some serious seafood. I can't believe I get to go back next semester!

Thursday, October 11, 2007


No one believes that I'm really going to school here. I got a 98 on my chemistry test and a 96 on my psychology quiz. Yay

Some random pictures of from the past week:


Brooke + chicken?

Why does Rob have pet turkeys?

Tomorrow we are going to San Blas for the weekend! It's like a chain of 365 deserted islands. Did you know that 3 seasons of Survivor were filmed in Panama?