Saturday, December 15, 2007


My four housemates woke me up to say goodbye at 4:30 this morning, and I haven't been able to go back to sleep since. I literally am missing them already -- our house feels so huge and empty and I have five more hours here alone.

Yesterday we had great plans of going to Taboga Island. Jake, William, Pono, Stephanie, and I were in the craziest rush to make the 10:30 ferry, and when we arrived at 10:29 we discovered that it only runs on weekends, and we would have to wait until 3:00 for the next boat which would leave us stranded on the island overnight anyway. So we went to a nearby beach on the other side of the bridge and watched Taboga get pummeled by rain all day. Haha.

It looks so rainforestish when the clouds rest on the hilltops
That dark shape in the distance is where we were supposed to be!
Jake, Me, & William @ Kirby's birthday dinner
This semester absolutely flew by! I would be a mess right now if I wasn't coming back next semester. Blake aptly described this winter break as a vacation from our vacation -- it's that good here.